Friday, August 24, 2007

A need to vent. A need to explain.

I'm getting really bad at updating lately. I don't really have excuses, and I'm not going to try and make up one anyways. I've got a lot happening right now, and a lot that's going to happen, so naturally I've been preoccupied. But I need to vent, and now that I'm awake enough to do so, I'm going to make a long entry entirely devoted to venting.
Not all of what I have to get off my chest is negative, though. But I'll get to that in a moment.

First of all, I am tired. Very very tired. Not much has changed from my last post about being an insomniac, except for the fact that I slept well last night for the first time in ages and ages. You know when you wake up at 4am to pee and you know that as soon as your head hits the pillow again you will get back to sleep? That feeling of tiredness? That is how I have felt ALL THE TIME. And what have I done about it? Nothing. It's my own fault really. I suppose some of it is stress. Some of it is shift work. Some of it I'm not entirely sure. But at any rate, I slept well last night...well enough that I may just need a cat nap later and I'll be good to go for my night shift. Tonight's shift has been brought to you by the letter K and the number 1....because if it hadn't been traded, I would have to leave early on September 1st to go to work.

Yes. Work. I'm not going to go into detail about the ridiculousness of work right now. It has been extremely busy and extremely frustrating. I've dealt with worse...much much I know that I have the capability to handle it. I also work with a great and supportive bunch of people.

All this work, though, should pay off in the end. Work to live, right?

So on to more positive things.

With all the talk about work, and all the talk about finances, I am finally going to buy a condo. Yay me! Well, not just me. I have thought about it alot in the past, and there are still some things to work out, but PRi and I are going to be co-owners. We have already spoken to the bank, and we are going to look at a few places next week, but there are still some issues we have to sort out before everything is finalized. I don't want to jeopardize the friendship that PRi and I have, and so apart from being excited and a bit stressed, I am also very nervous and admittedly scared. There are a lot of things that need to be addressed in the near future, from the term of the mortgage to what happens if one of us decides to move. PRi is hoping for a quick possession date, so things feel a bit rushed right now. Especially since I've been working weird hours, and have had to sacrifice my precious sleep time to get things done. I have no set agenda of when I'd like to move, just as long as everything that needs to be discussed is discussed, and in writing if necessary. Apart from all of that stress associated with buying and moving, I'm looking forward to owning my own place. And I'm going to have one helluva housewarming party!

So not only am I trying to budget for buying a condo, I'm also budgeting for a trip or two. I'm so terrible! I think I've travelled more this last year than I ever have. LOL I've already worked out what it is going to cost me for a jaunt to Toronto in October, and all that is left is to book it. It's pricey for some reason, even with the seat sale.

But it will be worth it!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Recently I've had this problem with sleeping properly. I suppose it has something to do with shift work and trying to get my body used to some ridiculous regime of sleeping when it's daytime, or at least trying to sleep when every fibre in my being tells me it's time to be awake and doing things. Then I have to mess it up again so I am not up at some ungodly hour tossing and turning until I tire myself out and doze. Temporarily it happens when I'm turning around from nights to days, but lately it feels like every single day is a struggle to crawl out of bed and force myself to stay awake when I need to be. Then I crawl back into bed after being awake for some number of hours and force myself to sleep despite my mind working overtime and my body aching. Don't even talk about STAYING asleep because that never happens.

So here I am writing about my sleeping habits instead of actually doing something about it. Oh well. No sense worrying about something you can't really fix at 12am anyways. I'm going shopping tomorrow for some various things I have procrastinated on getting, and I think I am going to hunt down a sleep mask. Maybe a new pillow. Or something.

But first, I have to get to bed.