Monday, January 28, 2008

Gong show

I hate winter.

Have I ever told you that? The only thing I look forward to during the winter months is Christmas...and Christmas is long gone. But most particularly I hate the cold. Snow doesn't really bother me, and though the lack of sunshine makes me sad sometimes, I just don't like the cold.

I went to bed last night, knowing it was going to be cold, so my car was dutifully plugged in, and I had leftover stew packed for lunch today. I even set my alarm earlier so that I would have enough time to get to work with the icy roads. But low and behold my car wouldn't start. :(
Too close to the time I needed to be at work, I couldn't wait around for AMA to come boost my car, and I knew grabbing a cab would be out of the question. So I bundled up as good as any Canadian could, with my toque and scarf and long underwear and 3 pairs of socks, and walked to the nearest bus station. The bus that goes by my apartment only runs once an hour, so waiting for that one wasn't going to happen. Instead I braved the windchill of -54 (Celsius or Fahrenheit, its COLD) and walked to the bus terminal. I made it to work on time with all my fingers and toes thank goodness. At least I didn't call in sick. I needed the money.

Of course it would so happen that on the coldest day of the year when I'm wearing long underwear beneath my scrubs, the thermostat in the OR breaks. It's 28 degrees and humid during a stat C-section, and I'm in danger of passing out. So is the obstetrician. Not a pretty scene.

I have a headache. I still can't get a hold of AMA. Apparently their emergency road service line is busy. And has been for several hours. Hmm....

I'd disappear to some random warm destination, but I can't get to the airport...even the taxis won't go there today.

On a lighter note, I had a very relaxing birthday last week. I worked a day shift, but afterwards went for an awesome dinner at the Sawmill. I've been craving a steak for a while. Mmm..... We then headed back to mom's for cake and gifts. A quiet evening, but it was nice. I got some gift cards and movies, and new speakers for my computer. My monitor has built-in speakers that remind me of the old "mono" sound quality of older TVs, so new speakers were definitely in order. Oh, and a new mug from PRi that I obviously had to christen with tea the next morning. Mmmm...tea.

I think I'm going to make myself some tea.


At 11:38 AM, Blogger 'Nita said...

I also hate winter. I would much rather be too warm than too cold. I've gotten frostbite on most of my fingers and a couple of my toes, and now they hurt easily when they get cold. :-( California seems very nice right now. ^_^


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