Saturday, January 05, 2008


I got home from work today seriously thankful that I work in an area of nursing where I am almost guaranteed not to see the same patient two shifts in a row. I'm sure all of you have had those days where you are watching the clock practically move backwards, slowly counting the minutes until you leave and never have to see the person who is driving you nuts ever again. Well, unless you work with them everyday, then it's bad news I suppose.


But anyways. I guess otherwise I am doing alright. Just tired as usual on my string of night shifts. I got to work yesterday and found the year's vacation planner already up. I put in my request right away, saddened by the fact that 3 people are already asking for the same week off (and they have more seniority), and the planner will be up until March. Hopefully things will work out, though. It becomes harder and harder to trade your weekend night shifts...especially in the summer.

So yeah and stuff. Not much else, really. I'm just kinda biding my time trying to keep myself awake before I work again. My car is semi-fixed and working thank goodness, and I didn't have to spend $1800. I can at least drive to the edge of the parking lot without it overheating now. Yay! My apartment is strangely quiet, after a rather busy Christmas and New Years and the neighbours' discovery of Guitar Hero with a new sound system. Thanks PRi, for letting them know I work nights! lol :) So with this new found quietness, I am also getting really sleepy. I suppose a nap couldn't hurt.....


At 11:32 AM, Blogger 'Nita said...

YAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!111 ^_^


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