Friday, November 16, 2007

oh my hat.....I mean head

I went to bed last night with a migraine for some reason or another. Not an experience I would like to repeat, that's for sure. I've only ever had one other migraine in my life and I count myself lucky. I do get really bad headaches from time to time, usually because I've had my contacts in for too long, or I haven't slept. But the photosensitivity, nauseousness, and aversion to even the quiet hum of my computer is something I tried to cure last night.

All of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I could tell I was getting a headache from my contacts, so those came out shortly after I got home from the hockey game. No help. I took two extra strength Tylenol and two super strength Advil. No help. I slept for 11 hours. No help. I'm not sure what I need to do. I thought it might have been the Oilers game, but then I realized that I practically had season tickets for five years, and I rarely went home with a headache....except for the odd concert or two when there was so much smoke from pot that the fire alarms went off lol but I remember that I came home that night hungry ;)

So what am I doing about my headache? Nothing. I suppose it's my fault for not taking advantage of my day off and curling up in bed with a cup of tea and a good book. Instead I have laundry and dishes to do. And I have to get ready for the Christmas party tonight. I was looking forward to going, but with this headache, I'm not sure how much partying I will be doing. I think I'm going to go anyways (I'd hear about it for sure from a certain charge nurse if I wasn't there hahahaha), but I may leave early depending on how I feel. Drinky-drinky for Morgo? I'm not so sure with all these drugs in my system. We'll see. I think I'm going to pick up some Excedrin first.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

I get migranes all the time, and this is what works for me: Advil, because a lot of the migranes I get develop from tension headaches. It works waaaay better than Tylenol for me. Water is also key, or sports drinks. Lastly, sleep for about three hours. If I sleep for too long, it usually *causes* a headache. 11 hours may just have been too much. Anyway, I hope you feel better now! =)


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