Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back home

I suppose I should update this thing more often. I'm getting pretty terrible, and I don't think it has anything to do with being lazy. I'm just busy. And sometimes don't have much to say. But what I should really be doing is writing anyways. I'm sure I'd feel a lot better on those days where I just need to vent, even for the boring and mundane experiences we call "life". There are times, however, where I have lots to say, and sometimes some of those things shouldn't appear on such a public medium and therefore I keep my mouth shut. Once, I made an entry and then promptly deleted it, feeling better that I just wrote things down and reorganized my thoughts and emotions. I should do that more often. But not today. Today I have something to say.

In the spirit of the holiday season, I must give thanks...and a lot of them.....to two special people in my life who made my vacation exactly what I needed it to be. I didn't realize it at the time...I was just thankful of the opportunity to get away and enjoy your company over a fantastic feast that included the "stuffed" hens, pie, and booze. In copious amounts. But leaving this time was so much harder than the last for some reason, and I'm not sure why. I hated leaving. And there was still pie.

Otherwise, things are same old same old I guess. I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, despite working nights during the holidays. I can't wait to put up my tree with my new decorations while belting out Christmas carols. Yes, I'll be the first to admit I love Christmas carols....all the time......I wonder if I'll drive PRi nuts.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

Yay, Christmas carols! Peter always looks at me funny when I mention that the Boney M Christmas CD is a holiday staple for me. ^_^
And, yes, I look forward to your updates, not matter how "mundane." =)

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm.....and there's still pie. I think it will have to go in the garbage soon. There's just one piece, but I'm not convinced it's so safe to eat. I had a piece last night....I'm still alive!

I didn't want you to leave either! I was soooooo sad! I hate goodbye's, especially at the airport! Those are the worst....


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