Thursday, December 27, 2007

And so it was Christmas

I count myself pretty lucky that this was the first year since I got out of sciences at the U that I had to work Christmas. My jobs through school, and even after allowed me to enjoy this time of the year. Granted I rang in the new year at work most of the time, but as a Christmas lover, I didn't mind.
I always get depressed over New Year's anyways....blah blah I should have been a better person...I'm too fat....I need more money...blah blah blah. Celebrating the new year while busy at work at least kept my sanity. This year I paid my dues, though. I worked nights over Christmas......the time when children should be nestled snug in their beds (anyone in their right minds would be in bed that time of night anyways) while visions of holidays and family and food and fun all danced in their heads. My grandparents came from Winnipeg this year, so it was doubly hard to go to work. When I came home Christmas morning, I had to endure the traditional Ukrainian Christmas dinner as breakfast. I think I ate one meal a day for 3 days.

And there's still leftovers of course.

But even with working over Christmas this year, I didn't lose the Christmas spirit. I was super excited to find out if everyone liked the presents I got them. I listened and sung Christmas carols all hours of the day (and I mean all hours....stupid nights). I gave my really sick HELLP patient a chance to visit with her baby Christmas morning. We had a gift exchange at work (along with a LOT of food), and I was merely happy to be able to work with a great bunch of people who would even think of doing a gift exchange. Not so much when I was working at the Alex....but whatever. That ship has sailed and I am not looking back.

All in all, it was a good Christmas. I am sad I couldn't spend more time with my family, but glad I was lucky enough to at least see them. I'm still not looking forward to New Years simply for the fact that it is New Years, but at least I will have people over to ring in 2008.

And a lot of booze.


At 11:04 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

Ohhh... Don't be too hard on yourself. =( You are wonderful, and plenty of booze will help you to remember that. =p

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A comment on your post a little while ago... I went to the doctor today, and I'm sorry to inform you that there are many, many, many pregnant women out there still...and all these ones will be coming to you soon :0)


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