Monday, December 17, 2007

Not much

With all the craziness of Christmas approaching, I have been neglectful of my have many people. But I think it is nice just to sit down once in a while instead of constantly being on your feet and moving and doing and forgetting. I figured since I am sitting down, I should at least update.

So here I am.

Not much going on since my last post. I talked to Telus about my insane bill, and they insist that it was their error, as a computer malfunction caused the cancellation of many people's service, and therefore this shouldn't have been billed. I wonder how many people like me noticed a random cancellation charge on their bill. So I gave Telus $77 to cover my actual bill, and talked to Shaw about their home bundle. The jury is still out.

Work is going alright. Busy. Very busy. We must be getting people from Saskatchewan, because there can't be any more pregnant women left in Edmonton....we delivered them all. And then some.

My ridiculously huge box of presents made it to Chicago in one piece...and it better have for the amount of postage I paid. Stupid huge box. I really hope Jo and Eric like their Christmas presents.....or else I may not be invited to stay at their place anymore! LOL

The worst thing about getting all my shopping done early is that now everyone's Christmas lists are out, and most of the gifts I bought are not on said lists. And now I am worrying about whether or not anyone will like their gifts. *sigh* I'm not shopping anymore. You'll just have to like what I got you.

At least I kept the receipts this year.


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