Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dental plan!....Lisa needs braces!

I figured out that I have this irrational fear of going to the dentist. Well, I suppose no one really likes going to the dentist, so I know I'm not alone. It's been years since I last went; not at all a pleasant experience from what I remember. But I've had this toothache for the past two days, and I am succumbing to the fact that I will have to visit my friendly neighbourhood dentist.

I tried what I could to get rid of this toothache. Hoping that it was some lost piece of food that got stuck, I bought some floss to fish it out. No luck. I've brushed my teeth about a hundred times, and the amount of Listerine I've used would get me into AA. Something cold to numb the pain? Nope. Ambesol or Orajel? Nope. I can't even tell if it's a cavity, dammit!

So I made a few phone calls, and got referred to an office in Sherwood Park. As soon as I booked my appointment, I'm sure my blood pressure went through the roof. I started thinking of ways to get out of it, including trying to convince myself that because I work nights tomorrow, an afternoon appointment would be interrupting much needed sleep time.

But then that perpetual and annoying throbbing continues.....

Thank God I have dental benefits.


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