Sunday, April 01, 2007

No foolin' around

So I haven't posted in a while. Not much new with me, hence the not posting. Just working, trying not to get sick (ColdFX is wonderful), and stuff. We've decided to go out for Easter dinner this year instead of having Ukrainian goodness. I work my usual weekend nights coming up. Thank goodness it's a full moon tonight. I am not at work

So besides work, nothing really new to report. Went to see "Meet the Robinsons" yesterday, and loved it! PRi and I have to save up our money, as blockbuster movie season is starting, and I have a list of movies I want to see. No..... *have* to see. So yeah. I'm already having a Pirates date in May....and perhaps a Harry Potter date in July. And many others.

Oh, and I have finally joined Facebook. So addictive! You'll never get me off the computer! It's a good thing I am working a lot of nights this week, so my computer time will be limited. Sigh. Anywho, it's interesting to keep in touch with people I haven't talked to in years, and to find out how small of a world this really is. (now the music of Small world is stuck in PRi's head)

So yeah and stuff. I suppose it will be easier for me to update and keep in touch with people than it had been with MSN. Come to think of it, I don't think I have been on MSN since........... well, I guess it would have been when Fiz, PRi, Roux, and I were planning our Vegas trip.....I think.


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