Monday, April 30, 2007

work + alcohol = babies?

I think it's about time to rekindle the relationship between me and my blog. It's been a while, and I'm normally pretty good at keeping things going. It's the procrastinator in me, I guess. That and I've been really busy with work and stuff. Very busy. I actually came home to a refreshing glass (or two??) of Malibu and pineapple juice last week.....something I haven't done for a while. I think the last time I came home from work and had a drink was when I quit the Alex. Oops. Yeah, I'm so bad.

I try to keep work and the nature of my drinking separate. Sometimes being a nurse means you take work home with you, which is not necessarily healthy. I have better ways of dealing with that than indulging in a pina colata, long island iced tea, or other girly drinks which don't include sambucca. Record numbers of babies, "pour and cut" c-sections, teaching very very nervous nursing students, stillbirths, staffing shortages, and night shifts have taken their toll.

But anyways, enough of my ranting about work. I love my job, really.

So yeah. I'm having a lazy day today, which is probably not the best thing I could be doing. The sun is out, and I'm not at work. I have laundry to do and the bank to visit. And yet I am here on my computer still in my pj's and slippers. Oh well. Recharging my batteries I guess.

I suppose while I'm here I should update. I seem to be ranting about random things, so I might as well keep you all posted with my life. Firstly I'm going to Chicago!!! Yay! Ok, so I know I said that in my last entry, but it's for serious. Things are booked and paid for. Plans are made. Much fun will be had:) I'm excited!
Second, I'm waiting on tender hooks to hear about my status at work. My temporary position (which is now extended until July 12th) is reposted as a permanent position, and I applied for it. Along with a few others. I have never been "permanent" before. All my other jobs....including Mewburn and Oilers.....I knew I wouldn't be there for long, so I wasn't doing any long-term planning or commitments. I think it will be exciting to be a part of something I enjoy permanently. Crossing my fingers....
Third, apparently I'm going to be meeting a bunch of old friends I haven't seen in forever next weekend:) I work nights of course, but I could forgo some sleep to visit. Good times will be had, I haven't seen some of these people in years! Facebook is good for some things.

Yeah and stuff. I don't know if there is much else to say. I guess I've just been really busy that what I thought was a lot to update wasn't really that much at all. Oh well. I'll just busy myself by counting down the days....

12 more sleeps:)


At 7:28 PM, Blogger Jo said...

Yay 12 more sleeps!

At 3:13 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

I can understand coming home from work and wanting a drink. It's happened to me few times in the past year. ^_^ Wanna hear something *really* bad, though? On Monday, I came home from the _bar_ wanting a drink. Before I left I contemplated asking them if they could mix me a drink to go, since I had to drive home. ^_^ Who knew that hanging out at the bar could be stressful enough to make you want a drink???


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