Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nurses make the worst patients

I woke up this morning to more dam snow. Well, I say "woke up" because I crawled out of bed hours before my alarm and trudged downstairs with the feeling that I have only slept 3 hours. Maybe it's because I really did sleep 3 hours. I have been up all night with a nagging sort of stupid cough that I think has more to do with some sort of chest infection than anything. But being a nurse, I am also a hypochondriac. I think I have asthma. Or allergies from the snow mould (that conveniently got covered up by more snow). Perhaps it is my feather pillows. In any case, my cough kept me up all night, unrelieved by cough drops, water, Vicks, tea, and my "good" cough syrup with codeine. The coughing I can deal with, but the thing that is bothering me the most is the fact that I can't breathe properly. So much effort.

But yet I find time to write a blog entry and spend some quality time with Facebook.

Now if I was like most other people, at the first sign of something wrong I would have taken myself to the already-clogged-with-people emergency room. But I'm just sitting here and being stubborn. Maybe because the last place I want to be is in emerg, or maybe because I feel like I'm being paranoid, or maybe because I have no desire to leave my house to drive through the slushy streets, but I am hesitating finding a cause to my problem. I don't know if I'm going to like what I hear. I don't want to end up feeling like an idiot because I went to see a doctor about a cold. A stupid cold. I see enough of that at work......"My baby's foot is under my ribs, and it hurts". Well, what do you want me to do about it???

*sigh* I guess I better get myself to the medicentre.


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