Monday, March 05, 2007

go to the mattresses

No offence to any of you who work (or have worked) in commission-driven businesses, but why is it everytime I walk into a place to browse for something, the salespeople swarm to me and try to pressure me into buying things? I would much appreciate if you let me know your name and that you would be willing to help me if I had any questions.....but don't follow me around the store trying to get me to buy an item that I don't have the use or money for. That kind of sales technique will just drive me out of the store and cause me to avoid the store for future purchases. I worked for commission once, and know the pressure to meet a quota or at least a personal goal to have a decent paycheck that month. However, I found that people were more receptive to "help" rather than "hovering". I tried to explain to the salesperson who swarmed me today that I know where to find him if I need any help or questions or if I was actually going to buy what I was browsing for...but I also made it clear that I was just BROWSING!!! People are still allowed to do that every now and then, right? I had previously been pleased with the service I had receieved from the store, therefore it was one of my first choices for my browsing today.....and that was all I had intended to do. Now I am not sure if I want to return to the store for some purchasing instead of browsing.

Ok, I'm done ranting.

So PRi's staff party was fun on Saturday. I don't know what I did to help her, except that she was my ride home, so no drinky-drinky for Morgo or PRi, really.


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