Monday, October 16, 2006

Anger to my stomach and Canadian Tire

I spent the entire day today doing nothing. I am so lazy, but I don't care. I knew I had been working hard (and working too hard) when my body finally shut down yesterday. I could barely finish my Sunday dinner, and felt terrible. My head felt like it was hit by a truck, and my back was sore. I couldn't even lie down cuz my poor stomach was so upset. pancreas! I broke down and took some Pepto bismol...have you ever tried that stuff??? Blech. At least I didn't throw up. So I slept. And I slept. And I stayed in my pyjamas all day today and even slept through The Little Mermaid. Seems like sleep was the thing I needed most, though. I woke up this morning and felt a hundred times better. Needless to say, I didn't want to ruin the feeling, so I just didn't get dressed. Meh. Good thing, cuz today was definitely one you would want to just curl up under a blanket and read a good book or something.

I got up to let Bear outside and found the snow accumulating on my lawn and furniture. Alright so I know that it is Edmonton, and I know that it is fall, and I know that it is just a dusting of snow, and I know that there have been worse "winter" storms in Ontario and the US....but I still don't like it. Where did the warm weather go? OK, so it's a little unreasonable to ask for warm weather, but at least make the temperatures seasonal!

We used all our logs last weekend for our fireplace, so a trip to Costco for a large box of 3 hour logs was in store. But really...I'm in my pyjamas....and have no desire to even poke my head out the front door to see if the mail has you really think I was going to Costco? Ha ha ha. Besides, mom and I have to go tomorrow to Canadian Tire to give them heck for not fixing my car......I had previously mentioned that my battery was replaced??? Turns out it wasn't the battery that was the's the alternator. I was a little suspicious that they told me my battery had drained (it's less than 2 years old)....but didn't bother finding out why my battery had drained so quickly. I had not been leaving lights on or anything...and I have been having problems with my electrical connections. What time is it? I dunno, my car starter worked but the digital clock is off.
And now I am curl up under a warm blanket...with a hot cup of tea......and watch the Oiler's game.....and perhaps read The Divinci Code during the intermission.


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