Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Update: Spetember 20

Well, I got Mikayla's birthday present. It's called My first LeapPad, and it's pink! Pink! Blue! Pink! It reads French books too, so that'll be good, seeing as how she can't seem to get her languages straight. It'll be funnier when I throw in some Chinese in there too. "Mikayla, veut tu some Wonton Mein?" poor kid. Like she isn't confused already about who her mom actually is. The girl has like 5 grandmas. I guess it would be good for birthdays and Christmas, but really.

I want to adopt Mikayla. I want to raise her and be the one she cries to when she has a bobo. I was on the phone with JC when she fell down the stairs, and the phone went to me so I could talk to her and calm her down. "Saiya come. Saiya come." I've been summoned. This morning before daycare, she yells out "bye bye Saiya!" I'm asleep at this time. The kid loves me. I love the kid. Good thing I fell in love with JC before I spent a lot of time with her. That could have been dangerous otherwise.

So that's what's going on with me. Instant family. That and I ordered new glasses. They're rimless, and look awfully cool. I decided on new glasses because I can't afford toric contact lenses anymore. The ones I have are like 300 bucks for 6 months. Suckage. But apparently Superstore in Castle Downs has cheap glasses. rimless frames and anti-scratch coating for under 175. totally decent.

I've decided to spend the night tomorrow at Morgo's. I miss that dog.


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on an excellent decision for the gift!

Congrats on being an awesome person in Mikayla's life!!!

Postnote: the letters in my word verication were "jc"...eerie...


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