Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Paper clips, rubber bands, and a bottle of scotch

I had an educational day today that left me feeling drained. You would think that 6 years of university and then 3 months more education would prepare me for one day of seminars talking about the management of obstetrical risk.

Not so much.

It wasn't all that bad...I learned a few new things which I suppose is the purpose of an educational day...and I learned how much teamwork there really is on my labour and delivery unit. One of the obstetricians was teaching the "teamwork" session....some good times had by all as we had to work as a team to come up with a solution to a MacGuyver-like situation. No, really. The scenario was that you were locked in a room in a Mediterranian villa, the keys to the only door were 10 feet below the only window (not big enough to fit through, of course), and you had to plan an escape using various household related items before a bomb in the room went off. You had 4 minutes.

The group with the most creative plan of escape won a prize....but everyone wins a prize in a teamwork-building environment. A nice way to end the day after talking about seizures, bleeding, and babies whose heart rates crashed. I work with a pretty good team.

All this education aside, I came home exhausted. It didn't help that I spent an hour and a half getting an oil change and transmission fluid change for my car......but it sure seems to drive better now that it's done! Just like a full tank of gas and a car wash can have the most amazing effect on the driver. I love full tanks of gas.....they can get you anywhere......road trip anyone???

Not this week,'s season premiere week:)


At 10:17 AM, Blogger 'Nita said...

l am giving in and watching the CSI premier. ^_^


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