Saturday, September 30, 2006

And your point is...???

I am trying to keep myself awake. It is 3:50 am according to the computer clock, and I don't doubt it is pretty accurate. Falling asleep at this time would be detrimental to my much needed sleep during the day today. Or this morning. Or whatever time it may be that I will finally go to bed.

I gave in and ordered BP's at midnight. Shared with everyone.....good spicy perogy pizza for all. I even have leftovers for tomorrow. Or tonight. Can't remember. But eating pizza at this hour...especially perogy not the best choice, and I am paying for it. I am so full. Should have had the bandera bread.

Unrelated to pizza, Andy and Michelle are in town. Andy has a teacher's conference here, so instead of spending money to stay at a hotel, they are both staying in my living room. I haven't seen them since the wedding in July, and they already have their wedding pictures so we spent about an hour browsing through them. Beautiful of course. I also rode in their new car (a 2005 Malibu) mmmm....malibu....... uh, where was I? Oh yes, I rode in their car to Marble Slab where some yummy dessert was had by all. Should have slept, but family is family, and I will sacrifice a few hours of sleep to visit. Andy has always been like my brother....we basically grew up together, so we're pretty close. Well, I guess it's not hard to be close to someone whose mother was your mother's identical twin.

So yeah. In the midst of telling my story about Andy and Michelle, I have forgotten what it was that I wanted to write about. Has anyone seen the movie "Loverboy"?? Don't. I watched the last 30 minutes while eating my pizza and was confused and disturbed beyond reason. I don't know what it was about, but the fact that a woman kept calling her son "loverboy" instead of his real name. Paul. I just don't get it.

Anywho, as much as I would like to keep rambling away to stay awake, and as much as I would like to go to bed....I have to get going. It is now 4:12 am. My break is almost over, and back to work I go.



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