Sunday, September 17, 2006

I still exist... barely...

I'm sick. my mind is in the gutter, yes, but really, I have a cold. JC was sick all this week and when I kissed him, BAM. it was over for me. I got sent home from work yesterday after I finished what was left of my bottle of Dayquil. I slept until 3:00pm today, which for people who know me is not that hard of a feat, but I was really out of it. I remember something about JC's daughter, Mikayla, climbing on top of me and saying something about "faire caca" (to poop). Next thing I know I roll over and there are cracker crumbs on the bed and it's a little after 2:30pm. I'm not sure what happened, but alls I know is I didn't have Hoover Dam to clean up.

Oh yeah, JC has a daughter. I kinda got into this relationship knowing that there was a potential that I was going to be a part of her life, especially since long-term memory usually begins to be retained around the age of 3. She's going to be 3 next Sunday. Well, I was right. I also knew I would get attatched to her, and I did. I now have a car seat in the back of my car. Now when I leave the house, she starts to cry, when I'm taking a shower she wants to come in too, and just yesterday she wouldn't eat unless she was sitting on my lap. She also can't say my name right. She calls me "Saiya" or something that sounds like it. I don't mind just as long as she doesn't start calling me "mommy". She has a mommy, and she's a crack whore. No really. You can watch her dance at Diamond's and do meth afterwards in the alley. Oh and she also did meth while she was pregnant. No, don't call me "mommy", Mikayla, because I love you much more than your mommy ever will.

I also don't know what to get Mikayla for her birthday. JC wants her to get something educational and French. Where in Edmonton do I find that?!? Tomorrow I'm going to Toys R Us. If I don't find something there I don't know when I would have time to find anything else. 'Sides, Toys R Us is right next to PetSmart. Stewie is feeling jealous. He's also scared of Mikayla. I would be too if there was a 3 year old throwing treats at me, even though it is the rabbit equivalent of crack.

And Morgo, I was going to get you an ice-cream cake that said "Happy last shift at the Alex" but due to unforseen illness, said cake could not come into existence. Are we still on for our Scrapbooking date on Friday?


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course, PRi....I have to print my pics again (the ones I printed from Costco were somehow cut off in silly places). Let me know when you want me to come over!


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