Sunday, August 20, 2006

it's a's a, it's my podium

Holy holes in my updates Batman!

So I may not have not been the best at keeping people posted on what happens in my life.... oh well. I thought I should update anyways, seeing as how I have just now caught up on my blog reading, and found that everyone I know has fun, interesting, surprising, and wonderful things happening to them... (Jo I am so excited you are FINALLY moving! Now I will have to come visit you in your new place!!!)

As for me, I promised at least two updates. First, my door. Funny story......the day after I posted about my "new" back door, we went to Rona and refunded the door that won't fit. Apparently the prospect of finding a door that would ultimately cost way less than what we were going to be charged was a little more appealing. So no new door. *sigh* dog. I think we have solved the mystery of Bear's insaneness. We have discovered an ant hill in our backyard that he was interested in, and I guess an ant bit him. He steered clear of that area for a while, and is now back to his usual self...and barking.

Hahahaha is that all I have?? Hmm.....well, there's just some random stuff I guess. I will be starting my OR training in October for Cesarean sections......I will be quitting from the Royal Alex after my last shift in September:):):) I am still somewhat looking for a place to move into, and now I am approved for a line of credit at my bank....yay for a down payment!

Uhhh....I can't remember anything else. Oops! Maybe there isn't anything else. I dunno. Things are pretty hectic at work for me right now.....any time I have been at home, I have been absolutely exhausted. Working 19 days out of 21 is tough, so lately I haven't really been able to pay attention to anything. This weekend marks the beginning of the last of my shifts at the Alex, and I have been asked multiple times to work double shifts....then another double shift...because they can't find anyone to work. There is so much burnout right now with all the nurses, I'm not surprised there isn't anyone left to work. I am practically working overtime at the 'Nuns, nevermind picking up shifts at the Alex. So all in all, I have absolutely nothing else going on with me. And now I have spent 3 paragraphs talking about nothing at all....nothing at all....nothing at all...stupid sexy Flanders!

Hopefully when things settle down, I will have more interesting updates. But for now.....*sigh* I think it may be bedtime.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger 'Nita said...

I am so wishing that I had time to work before school starts. Stupid moving. I need money! ^_^

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Hafiz Kassam said...

Morgan, I want you to deliver my baby. Don't worry, it won't be for another 4 or 5 years yet. We want to enjoy life first, lol...

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. family planning... what an oxymoron... this coming from someone who suddenly has a three year old. huh. funny how that happens.


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