Friday, August 04, 2006

Procrastinating on my shopping

Mom, Devin, and I went out for breakfast this morning. Just to Denny's, but breakfast nonetheless. I had to go back to work afterwards to talk with my clinical nurse educator, but more on that later....
Anywho, I got home from Denny's and there was a piece of mail waiting for me on the kitchen table.......the new IKEA catalogue!!! Weee!!! PRi and I have been looking for a couple of weeks for this catalogue...including a trip to IKEA for that sole purpose. Hahaha PRi, we can share the catalogue, if you haven't gotten yours yet.

So yeah. I have been kinda flipping through for some ideas on what I may want to buy in the near future. You see, I am trying to save up to buy a condo...if possible. As a self-proclaimed procrastinator, I always plan....but then actually do what I plan at the last minute. I am not sure if I will be able to procrastinate with a lot of things when it comes time to buy a place. Having an idea of what I need (not just in financial terms) and what I already have will help in the end, I guess. I also don't want to spend all my money on stuff and have nothing left to buy a place to put it in.....therefore, I need to plan. I love to be spontaneous (ummm....Vegas??) but with a major purchase, I can't afford to spontaneously buy random things and then try to spontaneously buy a condo.

Oh well.

On a lighter note...hahaha.....I was at work yesterday when the paystubs arrived.....I was pretty excited, as I was going to go shopping this weekend. Then I realized that my paycheck was almost $650 less than I expected! Boo! No shopping for Morgo......
So I went home all disappointed and such, and decided to take another look at my calendar. Wait a second.......I am missing 4 shifts!!!!! Waaa!! A stop to see my CNE this morning sorted everything out. She had been in charge of payroll during the last couple of weeks, cuz my manager (who usually takes care of these things) has been on holidays. So a visit with my CNE, and a phone call to payroll resulted in me being able to pick up my missing money on Tuesday:)

So now I am not so disappointed...despite the cold and rain.....and maybe a stop to IKEA should be in order to cheer me up even more hahahaha


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