Sunday, August 06, 2006

I've been summoned, and car terms are dirty

Long weekends are not appropriate times to buy a car. A day off, a weeknight, even a Saturday when you and your family can view, drive and purchase a vehicle are all good times. Not when the call of Heritage-type activities, camping trips and general bumming around is oh-so tempting. Needless to say, it was DEAD at the dealership. We ended up with a few deals on the board, but none of them belonging to me. alas, 4:00pm rolls around and I see Shahzina come up with her 2006 Corolla S Sport Package in Indigo Ink and she says "you know the car accident 2 years ago to [my sister Sharina] had?" I acknowledge. "We're being sued." Turns out Sharina's former best friend is suing Sharina, Shahzina as "owner of the vehicle" and the driver, passenger and owner of the dakota that plowed into them. oh wait, yeah, she suing for half a mil. She's claiming permanent scarring, inability to dance, and inabilty to perform housework. Wait, the permanent scarring is from your history of depression, we have video of you dancing 2 months after the accident and you would have to have done housework to be able to claim that the accident was what is stopping you from cleaning after yourself you lazy bag.

We're not too worried about the case, but still, ouch from a former best friend.

On a completely different note, let me retell a conversation heard earlier today.

"Oh yeah, this one's a nice unit. The engine runs real nice and it's been taken very good care of."
"Yeah? and what kind of mileage does it have"
"well, it's got some miles on it, but a unit like this will last you a while"
"Oh okay. Well, it looks good, but it's too big. For what I need, I think I can go smaller."
"Honestly, it's filled all the criteria you were looking to fill."
"I guess you're right, but I don't know, what about maintenance? I'll need to take extra care of it, right?"
"Yes, but we also have a oil and lube program so we'll take care of all the oil and lube it needs for the next 7 years."
"Wow, I'm not even sure I'm going to keep it that long."
"It's a good offer. You should take advantage of it."
"It all sounds good. so will I get a deal if I get my servicing done here?"
"The oil program will apply."
"Oh I see how it goes. I guess it'll do. It's basically what I need."
"So you're going to go ahead with this unit?"
"Yeah, I will"

Uh... I'm going to go read my Bible now.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Hafiz Kassam said...

Hahaha, I love the sales tactics in that conversation.

"You should take advantage of it."

That's classic. We learned those types of pitches when I worked at Best Buy...good times, indeed. :-)


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