Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The impossible task of distraction

It's taken me three weeks to write this post for some reason or other. My usual excuse of procrastination doesn't apply here, and to simply say I was distracted would be a lie. I just couldn't figure out how to say what I wanted to say. I had a hard couple of weeks, and there were many things I needed to either vent about, get a second opinion on, or just say what was on my mind. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't think I was lazy. Or maybe I was....

I'm not remembering my dreams as much right now. Probably that means that I'm not sleeping properly again, which is most likely. I'm really tired. I really need to get that problem fixed. First I have to find a new doctor. Hmmm......
Though I have had repeated dreams of drowning. What I'm drowning in, and under what circumstances I'm drowning changes each time, they are recurring. I haven't had recurring dreams for years. Hmm......

Otherwise I guess I'm alright. My last stint of nights was tough, and I thank everyone who helped me out.

My hands are shaky. Hmmm......

So I have a student that I'm preceptoring at work. I wasn't sure if I was ready to take on being a preceptor, but I suppose if my manager didn't think I was ready, she wouldn't have put my name in as a volunteer. I suppose I'll learn more about my practice and myself while teaching. It will be fun. Challenging, but fun.

Hopefully I'm a good teacher. My student will be working on the unit in six weeks....for serious.....


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