Thursday, January 18, 2007

Edumacation day

Is it just me or is post post-secondary education lacking these days? As much as I complained during school about school, I never realized how much I actually learned. And how much I didn't learn. I don't mean in class stuff, I mean the real things that you have to know when you go to work. Kind of like learning on the job, but more specific than that.
Ok, here's an example

I went to an education day yesterday. Again. I read about the topics of discussion beforehand, and was kind of interested in learning about ethics and building teamwork. Things that I guess would be important.....everyday, and every shift. No matter how long you have been working, some things you just have to keep learning. But anyways.....I came home after an entire day of sessions feeling a lot stupider than I should have. Ok, so I haven't been in school for a while, but I thought I would have at least learned something. The ethics discussion turned out to be a debate between mental health nurses and the rest of the hospital on whether or not we should tell patients about ourselves. Granted that could be dangerous with a lot of mental health patients, but most people aren't psychotic sociopaths when they come to the hospital to have a baby. Even if they are in labour. I don't divulge my life story, but if my patient asks me if I like working in labour and delivery, I'll answer. No ethical debate there.
It was a pointless discussion, emphasising the fact that I will never work in mental health.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same. Blah blah, here's what Capital Health is doing with your taxes to prepare for the flu pandemic blah blah wash your hands blah blah get your flu shot blah blah if your patient has a complaint talk to your manager blah blah. Then I went to the "injury prevention" session with the personal trainer from NAIT. Let's all strengthen our core with exercise balls. Labour and delivery nurses do not like exercise balls. I think it has something to do with the people who think that they can sit on their exercise balls all through their labour and then get upset at staff when labour really starts to hurt. But that's another ethical debate for another day. I don't even remember what it had to do with injury prevention.

The only session that was worth going to was the one on building teamwork. It was taught by the same woman who did the colours workshop that I went to a couple of months ago. Great fun, and I actually can apply what I learned to my practice. That was the point of the whole day anyways. But whatever. I got paid for it and got free coffee and muffins in the morning.

I suppose the occasional edumacation day is necessary for everybody, no matter what job you have. Otherwise it would still be 1950.

I really think that my edumacation day would have been more productive if they kept CPR recertification sessions in the morning instead of filler material. Maybe more people would have stayed for the teamwork building.


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