Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A weight off my shoulders?

I have talked about it for a long time. Should I or shouldn't I? Why is this such a hard decision anyways? You'd think that after all that has happened over the last 2 years, I wouldn't have this much difficulty.

I have finally resigned from the Alex.

I went to human resources today and handed in my resignation letter. The receptionist thought she was being funny when she told me the Alex wasn't letting any nurses resign...... then had the gall to ask me why I was leaving. As much as this bothered struck home in many ways. Why am I leaving? What was it really that made me resign? I have been asking myself so many questions and get nothing but more questions and more worries. I have quit other jobs before... remember Tim Hortons??? Why is this different? Deep down inside I know I am doing the right thing, but I was second guessing myself today. Somehow I think it might have something to do with the saying "it's not what you's who you know". The obstectrical community in nursing is very small...and everyone knows everyone else. I don't want my resignation to make me seem like someone who is unwilling to commit or learn or whatever. And I don't want that image to get back to my manager at the 'Nuns. It probably won't, but sometimes it feels that way.

Don't get me wrong....I couldn't wait to resign from the Alex! From the moment I walked through the doors in my 4th year and was told I was my shift last week where I was told by my charge nurse that she would float me to areas I had never been to or worked in just because I was a "float nurse". Didn't matter that I wasn't qualified or certified to work there. Good things do happen at the Alex....but not to everyone. I'm sorry if I offend anyone who may read this and have had good experiences there, but I need to do what is best for me.

I walked out of there with a smile on my face....almost as big as Bear's.


At 6:24 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

Yay, Morgan! Really bad jobs are not worth keeping. I remember the last job before I worked at A&B made me feel horrible. So I quit without notice. ^_^ I'm sure if you're diplomatic about the whole thing, then nobody will think bad things about you.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Don't worry! I think you did the right thing. If something's not right deep down in your heart, that's reason enough. I think you are great at what you do, and if people at the Alex aren't good enough to see that, that's their problem! Move on, it'll be good for you. Without the bad things in life, we wouldn't enjoy the good so much.


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