Thursday, September 14, 2006

Supplies surprise!

Days like this make me feel old.

First it starts with the aching and swelling of my feet fortelling the rain and snow and cold. 8 degrees today. Not bad considering last week we were 30 degrees.
Then I go to work....things go well, despite my charge nurse not happy with me for keeping my patient. You see, we had the option of inducing her today, or inducing her tomorrow (after a night spent on the unit)....depending on the number of staff available. I asked my charge nurse...things are a go for the induction...until 3 hours later when we got a board full of patients. Well, I just can't stop her labour now, can I??? But whatever, I was charting on my patient when we got our umpteenth labour assessment wheeling up from the ER. Hmm...this person looks familiar......
"Renee??" I ask. "umm...Morgan??" says a pretty flustered Renee. "You're having a baby!" uh, duh! Good observation there, Morgo. I'm so smart. SMRT. To fill you in, Renee went to high school with me...ah, good times on the bus after school:):) She also went into nursing right afterwards, so she graduated from the U two years ahead of me. So here I am a few years later, and she comes into labour! Renee, if you are reading this.....congratulations! :):)

So yeah and stuff. Where was I??? oh, yeah...feeling old. I didn't realize how long ago she got only feels like a year ago, and now she and her husband are starting a family. Where has the time gone? I pondered this while catching up on my blog reading, and lo and behold, Jo comments on this oldness too. Yes Jo, I believe it has been 10 years since we started high school together....."you've only been playing the bassoon for.....6 years????" hahaha. I have felt old ever since Devin finished grade 9 and we were going to high school open houses. Ah, McNally.... nothing really changed.....if you choose to make the right will walk across that stage in 385 days.

Excuse me while I find my cane.....


At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this post.

FYI: I GRADUATED from high school 10 years ago. BOOOO

Have you talked to Pri since Thai night? How is she?


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