Monday, July 17, 2006

Seven nights in seven days

During my stint of nights, I have come to the decision that I have relatively bad karma.

"Oh Morgo, you haven't noticed?"

Alright, so sometimes things actually go alright for me. I haven't had the week that Stephi had, although we all have some hard times in our lives. I don't know if it's because I am still pretty new at nursing, and have a lot to learn, and sometimes I wonder if I'm just a horrible nurse.
Obviously I wouldn't be where I am right now if I was horrible. But sometimes it feels that way. Everything always seems to happen to me.

I often wonder if I have a neon sign on my forehead. (and arrows, according to Sheena hahaha). I don't know what this sign actually says seeing as how I can't read through my skull, and have a hard time deciphering words in the mirror. But it's there. Tonight, I think it must have read something like "please believe I am the only nurse on duty today because this is the first shift I have worked at the Alex since April". Not that there were 8 other nurses working and a few of them were reading magazines. Is it because I am just that bad at time management? I didn't feel that least not until I realized that none of my charting had been done and it was nearly shift change. Are my skills that bad that they take forever? I have worked on that unit since October, I should know what I am doing. In any case, I left work tonight feeling pretty blue. Maybe this is why I should just stay at the Grey Nuns. I have more "up" days than "down".

Oh well. I think I am done ranting. Or complaining. Or whatever you may believe I am doing here. Sometimes I don't know what I am doing here.

I also missed a possible Darrien's tonight because I was stupid enough to accept shifts. Oh well. Hopefully everyone had a good time as usual, and the wings had a better range of hotness than last time.
Mmm....wings. It must be 1:30am. I am craving food.


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morgo = wicked awesomest girl ever.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Jo said...

Oh Morgan, you are so a good nurse. I know exactly how you feel, because I am the only person in my unit that actually does their job, and I feel like I have to pick up all the slack. It sucks!!! And then I might not get everything done because I have to DO everything!!!! But that doesn't mean I suck at my job....actually, I think it means that I'm quite good considering that I've been pretty much the only teacher in my room since february!!! And almost everything has gotten done:) So, in short, you are an awesome, wonderful person and a great nurse:)


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