Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Being verbose

I have a day off today.
This may not seem so exciting to many of you...sitting there going "uh, this sounds pretty boring Morgo" but I don't care. You see, I am done my 7 days of working in a row. I survived, and I am still standing! Can you believe that? Me! On my feet today! Hahaha. I managed to stay on my feet despite the endless days of work, the occasional afternoon rain, and the fact that I have been out of Advil until yesterday. I am pretty proud of myself, and I actually slept well last night. zzzzzzz.......
So anyways. I had been puttering around yesterday after I got home from work, and was reading Angela's blog and thought of myself. Yes, really! Angela had posed the question whether or not she was out of her mind for returning to a job that had given her so much grief in the past. I was about to leave a comment, but realized that it would have been as long as a blog entry. I guess I am just wordy sometimes...and then you see me in person and think, "that quiet girl over there is wordy??" hahaha

Yeah and stuff. Back to my response for Angela. A few years ago when I started nursing, I had a job at a long term care centre that fit nicely with my university schedule. I absolutely hated working in long term care, and knew this months before I had applied for this job. But I worked there anyways, for the better part of my 4-year degree. Even though I would wake up with a feeling of dread most days when I had a shift, even though some of the staff had treated me like an idiot because I hadn't been there for 20 years like they had, and even though I found it frustrating doing the "dirty work" and only the "dirty work" despite the fact that I was a graduate nurse by the end....I stayed. I learned a lot about myself and a lot of basic and fundamental aspects of nursing during the time that I was there. Considering I don't have a lot of confidence in myself sometimes, I am proud of myself for sticking it through all those years of tough times, and I may not be where I am today if I hadn't done so.

Again with the wordiness. All in all I guess that my answer to the rhetorical question (which probably wouldn't really need an answer, but as it is my day off, I am gonna do whatever I feel like doing....including answering rhetorical questions).....is you are not out of your mind for going back to work. You have a purpose for being there (extra cash for a car sounds like a good plan to me!!), and you always have the option of leaving again. Which you probably will after a while because I know you are already doing what you love!

Well, I would have to say that I was inspired today by a rhetorical question. Otherwise you may have had an entry about the horrors of AMA insurance and how the McDonald's by my house is stupid for running out of Pirates entry codes. Aaarrrrgh!!!


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Mor! If I have the energy later I will write about how my first day back at the Chocolate Shop went. It felt cool to read about something that I said in my blog, on someone else's blog. I felt like something I said actually had an impact! HURRAY :D


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