Sunday, July 15, 2007


I can start explaining my excuses away by telling you that it's too hot. I'm lazy. I'm tired. I have to work nights tonight. All of the above. But what good will it do? I shouldn't complain anyways. I totally love this weather.....I just hate trying to sleep through it.
So instead, I'm going to eat my fudgesicle.

I've been conflicted lately, on a lot of things. Some I have mentioned, and others I probably won't say, but be bothered with them anyways. Maybe I'll feel better once I've been able to express them openly, but for now..........I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I don't know what it is I want to say. You'd think it would be easier to write it down. Or I could take a page out of PRi's book, and really vent my opinion.
But somehow, I can't. Not yet. Instead I'm writing this ridiculously cryptic entry that is going nowhere. All I ask in return is that you will be there when I need you to hear what I have to say.


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