Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy Birthday to me:)

So it's my birthday today. Yay me! I'm not usually that excited about my birthday...I think it has to do with the years of having exams or working on the day that I would actually like to have off. This year, there are no exams. There is no work. There isn't even any laundry. Just a nice quiet day to do nothing. Well, almost nothing.

I picked up my passport today and almost caused a riot. I guess it had something to do with the counter I was at. While standing in line at the "Passport Pick-Up" counter, the guy over in the Pre-Screening counter waved us over. *RUCKUS!!!* The security guard even came up to us and told us to wait in line before pre-screening. Uh, we're just here to pick up the passports, and this guy told us to come here.

So anyways, after avoiding being stabbed on the way out, we went for dinner. Nothing too fancy, just to Montana's. Great food, but I am definitely stuffed. Half of my dinner is going to be lunch tomorrow. Oh will be a nice lunch. Of course, back home we go for some cake (sooo full!) and some presents and some phone calls. Hi Jo!

So now I am just relaxing the evening away. I used to get caught up in trying to celebrate my birthday, but I think as long as I am happy when the day is over, that is all that matters. Trying to organize a party when everyone was taking exams or working was hassle enough, and usually never turned out right. Whatever. No more worrying.

A very merry unbirthday to you (to you!) to you (to you!) Now blow the candles out my dear and make your wish come true!

(Sorry PRi, you probably have the tea cup music in your head now........boop boop bo! bo!)


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Happy Happy Birthday, from all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday, so we could party too!

Happy Happy Birthday, may all your dreams come true, we wish it was our birthday, so we could party too!

*feel free to substitute "relax" for "party" at any time...but it makes the song less fun*

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Jo said...

wow, that's an old picture!!!!!!


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