Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Feeling silly

I got this in my email the other day from Sheena (thanks Sheena!). Ahh, brings back some good times...procrastinating times mostly. Seeing how Devin starts his exams tomorrow, I felt that this is an appropriate way to not study. Wait....I'm not studying anyways. Oh well. Enjoy our answers!!!
Morgan's answers
PRi's answers

1.What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Anything chocolate. Who do you think you are talking to?
Mint chocolate chip

2.What was the last thing you ate?
Table cheese. I was making homemade pizza....and ate table cheese.
yeah. table cheese.yay homemade pizza

3.What CD is in you CD player right now?
My discman has......absolutely nothing! Stupid! What's in the box?
Paris music

4.How many keys are on your key ring?
7 keys...and a Save-On-More card. I can save on more keys.
10, and a garage opener

5.How much money do you have in your wallet?
Zeeroooo dollars!!! What kind of question is that? Don't you know that I never carry cash? I have a million transactions on my debit card.
American money left over from Disneyland, and 5 bucks from lunch at Tim's

6.List two bad habits that you have....
Not having enough confidence in myself.
Being extremely self conscious
Not finishing my train of th

7.What's your birthstone? would you change it?
Garnet. I would probably change the colour....cuz it's all about blue.
Amethyst. Why couldn't I get saphire? Stupid stones that aren't blue...

8.If you had only day to live, what would you do?
Spend the day with my friends and family doing stuff....skydiving...flying a plane....putting $1000 on "black" know....just stuff.
Kick all the people that I've wanted to kick and some other people just for fun

9.Do you know what your name means? German. Or great brightness in Welsh. hahaha I'm bright in the morning.
Um,... wife of the King? I dunno, I don't even like my name. I didnt' pick it obviously

10.What colour is your room?
I have a room? colour?
Which room?

11.Think about this for a second-- when you fasten your pants do you do the button first?
Yes. Well, on pants that have buttons. My scrubs don't have buttons. They have pullstrings.
The pants I have on don't have buttons. They have Tim Horton's potato soup.

12.Leno or Letterman?
Leno. I still have to mail him the underwear that has a tag that says "Size: Ass"

13.When you have food cravings, is it usually for something sweet or salty?
Sweet......dude! I can talk like Crush! that was so totally awesome!
Ice Cream.

14.Whats is your favorite breakfast cereal?
uh...I didn't come home from Vegas with 5 boxes of Cocoa Krispies for nothing! mmmm....5

15.When you fall asleep are you usually on your side, your back or stomach?
on the couch.

16.When you find a spider in your house do you kill it, ingnore it or shoo it?
WAAAAAA!!!!! stupid arachnophobia! booo
Squish bug

17.Can you play a musical instrument if so which one?
I can play a lot of musical instruments. Just not all of them very well. My flute's name is Mr. Bob. hahaha
Yes. and... all of them? Except bagpipes. Eww bagpipes.

18.What is your blood type?
I am a positive. A positive what? hahahahahahaha stupid nurse humor

19.What is your favorite number?
29! definitely not double zero! Fiz....we can't lose!
3,7,8,21, oh, you wanted only one?

20.If you could be any animal what would you be?
A bird. So I can fly. I can defy the laws of gravity!!
A bear in the winter. Mmmm...sleep

21.Women- what kind of perfume do you wear? men- what kind of cologne do you wear?
I smell like newborn babies.
I don't wear perfume. It makes my sinuses angry

22. Whose the hottest actor or actress?
What kind of question is this? It is screaming for me to say "Bob Dole" but I just can't bring myself to do it. Your mom!
Who learned you grammar? Stupid email that I sent to Murray. Apparently I need older men. Eww.

23. How is Your Summer going so far?
Literally? Today is the first day of summer. I had no babies today. But my "holidays" were so totally awesome! (dude!) in Disneyland.
Busy. Cars being detailed by me and not the people who are actually supposed to detail them... I got asked out today. Stupid creepy customers. It wouldn't be so bad had I actually sold the guy the $50,000 truck he wanted.


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