Wednesday, June 07, 2006

You suck, you jackass....

Taken from the hockey-inspired film, "Happy Gilmore" this line represents my feelings towards the Oilers. The game is on right now... and I'm not watching it. I just can't. There are car accidents that you can't help but watch, but there are bodies all over, and the bodies are us. Oh... let it be not us.... no, it's us... Boo....
But on a lighter note, (like a "d" on my tuner display when I am clearly playing an "a") buisness is picking up. I'm getting phone calls, and I have enough customers to have other salesmen try to steal them! I think that's a good thing... 'sides, I just met our President, and he loves me. But I say that about every guy that meets me. Especially the cute gay ones.... oh PRi.... *thumbs down*


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