Saturday, June 10, 2006

Babbling away on a Saturday

I have spent the better part of this week doing pretty much nothing. It is a wonderful feeling sometimes. I started the week off at my "new job"...did I tell you I got a temporary part-time position at work? I am working approximately 63% of full time hours/pay period until October 1st, which is a relief as I will be getting a somewhat steady paycheck. But anyways, my first week in this position had me working two nights and then off for 6 days. Not really an even spread of hours, but this week coming up is full of work. Since Tuesday....well, I guess it would be Wednesday morning... I any case, since I have been home, I have had the glorious opportunity to try to unpack. I am still packed from Disneyland...sorta. My toiletries are still in my Avon bag, and I have a suitcase full of random Disney items on my bedroom floor. I also have a duffle bag with various bridal shower and stagette prizes that has been calling my name since I returned from Lethbridge last Sunday. It has been rainy here the last few days, probably a reflection of the mood of Oilers fans. A prime opportunity to unpack my stuff. But being me, I have procrastinated in this matter.

Ha ha ha yes, I have decided to spend my time puttering on my blog and email and whatever else instead of taking the responsibility of cleaning up my stuff. Well, at least my clothes got washed. Huzzah! My days of doing nothing have actually been somewhat relaxing to say the least. Apart from the endless phone calls from work wanting to know if I could pick up shifts, the trips to Costco and Wal-mart, and a pre-season Eskimos game, I have enjoyed the opportunity to do nothing. I mean, work would be great, and I would have picked up extra shifts during my 6 days off, but for the past 3 weeks, I have been going non-stop. Granted, my "going non-stop" meant going from Edmonton to Los Angeles non-stop, as well as attending a bridal shower, dress fitting, and stagette six hours out of town two weekends in a row. Not exactly the most stress I have experienced before, but otherwise still busy. Anyone who has either been married or been part of a wedding party understands's stress to some degree. Anyone who knows me knows that being part of a wedding party is not nearly as bad as some of the other stress I have had in my life. But I can't complain. It is a sunny Saturday afternoon, there is an Oilers game tonight, Jo's coming to visit soon (I miss you!), this wedding is in 3 weeks, and I will be going for some good old authentic Chinese cuisine when I return from Lethbridge. And I am working! I think that deserves another round of Huzzah!
I also think I have rambled enough. Go Oilers.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Jo said...

hee hee hee


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