Saturday, June 17, 2006

Win le car

So I woke up this afternoon pretty confused, and couldn't remember where I put my clock. What time is it? How do I know it is afternoon? Waking up on a Saturday afternoon usually would mean that I must have slept well, but working nights kinda screws that up. I feel like I have slept 3 hours......after a search to find my clock, giving up, and finding my watch in the bathroom, I realize it is 3:15pm. Not bad, I guess, that would mean I slept about 5 hours. I really need to go back to bed. Instead I mosey on downstairs for some breakfast, and finding some mislabeled pizza on my counter, I proceed to have a slice. The label says "Deluxe", and I realize that there is no meat on my pizza, but whatever. I am hungry. I then watch the last fifteen minutes of "The Breakfast Club" with my mom, and then the last 20 minutes of "Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit" while eating my vegetarian deluxe pizza. Why am I so tired? Is it because I had a patient last night who laboured so quickly we were just able to move her into a delivery room to have a baby? She wasn't in labour when she walked in the door an hour earlier thinking her water broke. Am I tired because of the fact I am working nights? No..... I think it is because I was trying to win a car instead of going to sleep. Huh? Alright, I'll explain.
My dad listens to one of the classic rock radio stations very regularly. He is notorious for winning various sorts of prizes with their trivia call-in deals and stuff.....does anyone remember the snowmobile he won two years ago? Anyways, this time he "won" an entry into a prize giveaway contest that included an H3 Hummer, hot tub, motorboat, poker table, beer for a year, a freezer full of meat, and the like. The trick was to show up at Red's yesterday afternoon, where they would draw 9 names out of 450 contestants to win these prizes. Dad couldn't go, so I was his stand-in. PRi come with me yesterday (thanks PRi) to win these prizes. I don't have my dad's luck at all, and of course didn't win said prizes, but it was a good couple of hours playing pool at Red's anyways...despite the fact that I was exhausted from working nights, and half-asleep that my shooting pool was pretty terrible.
So that was my adventure yesterday afternoon. This is a pretty long entry. Oh well.
This leads me to my shift last night, and my confused morning (afternoon?). I then decided to putz on my computer that I haven't seen in a few days.....

Happy Birthday Angela!!!!

I have also decided to join Janita's blog game. Unfortunately I had NO book beside I looked in my room, which from where I am sitting on the computer is directly to my left, and found on the floor by my door the first book I saw. It was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I had taken it to work a few weeks ago to read on nights and haven't yet really put it away. Anyways, I am babbling again.
Page 161: "It was a mark of the strength of their friendship that Ron did not laugh."

Hmm...well, I guess that will have to do. It's a good thing my maternity books are hidden further in my room. I have also just realized that I wrote an impossibly long entry, and you all have probably fallen asleep at the first sentence, so I should be going.
Go Oilers!!!


At 7:50 PM, Blogger 'Nita said...

No! Do not apologize for long entries! It makes me feel less bad for being as verbose as I am. ^_^

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mor!


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