Thursday, December 07, 2006


Busy day today. My feet hurt, and I decided that I am looking forward to nights next week. I came home frustrated. After an hour spent reporting a medication error that three of us missed, we had an emergency cesarean section for a woman who decided she wanted to labour ("cuz only REAL women labour") when she really shouldn't have.... It took the baby 5 minutes to breathe on its own...but she's doing ok now.

Let's just say that there is a reason why babies are rarely delivered breech without c-sections these days...especially if the mom had prior c-sections. Really.

I have to be a responsible nurse and back up my practice with evidence....

So yeah. That's my rant for the day. Not a good day anyways, but at least there was a potluck lunch. You would think that the only thing nurses do are rant......and eat.


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